Women's Ministry

Women’s Ministry is dedicated to providing opportunities for women in three areas:
- Discipleship through God’s Word by training women in the Word of God.
- Developing friendships by encouraging fellowship through the many opportunities provided throughout the year.
- Promoting Outreach by directing women to use their God-given abilities and gifts.

Bible Studies
Relevant, inspiring, and challenging Bible studies are offered throughout the week at The Church. Each Bible study is interactive, small group oriented, and accompanied by video based instruction. Childcare is provided free of charge.

Christian Book Study
Reading Christian books can be a source of spiritual renewal and great joy. Participating in a Christian book study can also present a wonderful opportunity to fellowship with other Christians in an environment infused with the spirit and love of God. Ladies read and discuss how the theme of the book being read corresponds with passages in scripture and what we can learn from these passages.

Ladies Fellowship
An evening of fun and fellowship offered several times throughout the year. These events are designed to provide a relaxed setting in which women can develop friendships with each other.

Opportunities to attend retreats or day trips are presented to provide women personal ministry, biblical teaching, and on opportunity to relax and enjoy fellowship in a setting away from the daily routine.


Our Sunday Service Times

English: 11:00 am to 1:00 pm

180 Grayson Industrial Pkwy
Grayson, GA 30017
(470) 545-0589


Prayers every Thursday at 6.45pm prayer

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